Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 30, 2012

Hello everyone,
         This week has been great and one of the fastest I have ever had on my mission and they only seem to be just getting faster and faster.
         The 2nd of August will be my half way mark and I can't believe that it's already knocking at the door. Serving the Lord is so much fun! It really is the best thing I have ever done in my life and I’m so grateful that I have been given this chance. I really would be a missionary for life if we could take a nap every day. : )  Truly  this experience is such a great gift. I was told that a mission was a way to give back a little bit to God, once. This isn’t true at all! You get so much more out of your mission than you could ever give back and the harder you try to give the more you get. It's like tithing and fast offerings, when you give little God gives you a lot!
         We truly do have a heavenly Father that love us and knows us and who is just waiting to bless us if we will do our part and sometimes even if we don't. He will never leave you alone or without what you really need. He loves you and I feel the love that he has for you and for all the people that I have met on my mission. 
    He only gives us trials for our own good and who are we to think we know more than the God that created us? We shouldn’t question our Heavenly Father and the trials he gives us. The bishop in one of my wards taught third hour yesterday. He told us that the only way to make iron out of basic elements is to put them into a super nova or a sun. That means that the iron in us now at one time was in a sun. When we truly think of the greatness of the body that you have been given how could there not be a creator? And if he took all that time why would he leave us here on our own? Well he didn't he is with you and love's you just open up your eyes and see.
         I love you all and hope everything is going well please pray to that Father that would love to hear from you so badly and then open up your heart to hear the answer. "Man are that they might have joy " and most of the time we are the only ones in the way. SO .... MOVE!

Sister Cannaday


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